syzzling charity

It is our goal to make a difference with and through our work every single day. We are very passionate about SYZZLING Charity and it allows us to not only hold a vision but to actually walk the talk.

Own Non-Profit Projects

We own and operate several own non-profit Projects online. Through SYZZLING Media we are able to reach, connect and inspire many people around the world every single day.

Donations for Non-Profit Organisations

We have committed ourselves to donate part of the proceeds of SYZZLING Solutions and SYZZLING Media to non-profit organizations.

Excerpt of Projects/Organisations we have supported so far:

Sea Shepherd is an international nonprofit on the frontlines in the battle to save ocean wildlife worldwide. For charity- a natural extension - I have been Dedicated to Human, Animal and Environmental Rights. Villa Kuhnterbunt Lebenshof für Kühe und eine Begegnungsstätte für Mensch und Tier Gnadenhof Luna Die Helena Frey- Stiftung sieht ihre Hauptaufgabe in der Pflege von verwaisten und in Not geratenen Tieren. Pour l'egalite animale Save Elephant Foundation Vegan Flying Piglets Tesla Science Center Bau des Wardenclyffe Tower prospecierara für eine genetische Vielfalt von Pflanzen und Tieren Santo the Movie More than a movie, it's a cause. More than numbers, an alpha meaning.

We also Donate Ad Space on the Web

We support the work of others who are also investing their time and energy for the welfare of mankind and support the same Ideals as SYZZLING Media. By publishing banner ads for free on our websites, we are able make more people aware of important projects, which are dear to our hearts.

Excerpt of Projects/Organisations we have supported so far:

foodsharing - Lebensmittel teilen statt wegwerfen Freiheit für die Vielfalt 

stop fracking  now - watch the movie - get informed - save the earthFrau Gerolds Garten Das Projekt ist so konzipiert, dass es nach Ablauf der Zwischennutzung mit Sack und Pack umziehen kann, so dass einer anderen Nutzung des Geländes nichts im Wege steht und Frau Gerold trotzdem weiter gärtnern, kochen, shoppen und bewirten kann.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Gautama Buddha
Few people have the imagination for reality.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A thought is harmless until we believe it. It’s not our thoughts but our attachment to our thoughts that causes suffering.
Byron Katie